Tuesday, March 24, 2009

YuDu Machine

Wow! Busy day! Just spent the EARLY morning with channel 2....5:30 AM!!! We domonstrated the new personal silk screen machine....the Yudu. Casey Scot always makes the morning fun and unique! Once we were done there...we had to hurry over to channel 14 to do more "Yudu-ing". Whew...ready for a little relaxing!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Yudu Machine

Getting all my samples ready to demonstrate
the Yudu on KJZZ tomorrow. Woohoo! Get excited for a brand new week!!! :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Your Story"

Well, I demonstrated the "Your Story" today on KJZZ. It is one of the newest products put out by Provo Craft and it laminates and binds. WOW! What a neat little machine! The TV spot went good and of course it was a lot of fun...like usual!

What did you do today?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

OBITUARY ~ Princess

Princess, the iguana, passed away peacefully at home on Thursday, January 29th, after a short battle with kidney disease. She was 16 years old and lived an adventurous life that was envied by all other iguanas. She loved to ride on her owners back while walking or bicycling & tubed down the river in Lava Hot Springs. Princess was a free spirit & roamed the house because she hated being caged up. She loved to shock unsuspecting drivers by riding across the dash of the car.

She spent most of her life as a security guard for the Switer Family back door, but in recent months before her death she made a career change and began modeling on KJZZ & KUTV. Her best work was modeling her "Mummy" & "Spider" costumes.

She was a great learner and attended the Pooh Bear Academy and received her Masters degree in scratching on the back door to be let in. All who knew her, were fascinated and instantly charmed by her friendly disposition.

She is survived by her owner Wendy, her best friends, Bear & Tyger & is preceded in death by her friend Daxter the bird.

Graveside services were held Friday, January 30 in Kaysville, UT. She was buried in the Switzer Pet Cemetery, next to the master bedroom window.

***I am going to miss her terribly. For those of you who know me well, knew that she was my "baby". I wrote the obituary in hopes that finding a little humor in the loss is easier than crying any more. Thanks to my sweet friends & family who expressed their sympathy, sent flowers (yes, my neighbor actually did LOL) and put up with my crying over a lizard.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why Science Fair Projects should be OUT LAWED!!!!

I am currently working on banning science fair projects! May I back up my reasoning....
Heaven forbid we start science fair projects, at our house, any earlier than 24 hours before they are due. We stayed up until 1am this morning working on his project, got back up again at 6 to finish, ran out of duct tape (of course...I mean who would have thought that you would use 4 rolls in a life time...let alone in one sitting), he missed his carpool because he still had to print off one last thing and while he was pounding away at the keyboard he utters the words that no tired "science fair" mommy should ever hear..."I sure wish I knew for sure when these were due". AWWW! He did NOT just say those words! After calling the school...they are due next week!!!
God knew what he was doing when he put dimples on this child's face!

Monday, January 26, 2009

WooHoo...6" of snow today! Shoveled for 2 1/2 hours so I got in my exercise! Today, I am cleaning house & learning how to use the "Your Story" machine. I am going to demo it on tv February 3rd. I am excited to see what it does! Hope everyone is having a great frosty morning!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What a cutie! I just love being a grandma and this little smile tells it all! He is so stinkin cute! He is starting to crawl around now and boy...is he an eater! If you do not have his food ready the minute his tummy rumbles...WATCH OUT! Hmm sounds just like his grandpa Switzer!